Magic Müller

New Swiss FAI Triangle Record – with an EN B wing (NOVA MENTOR 5)

For years, top class Swiss XC-pilots have been dreaming of completing the country’s first 300 km FAI triangle. On the 28th of May, Michael Müller came very close to achieving this dream with a flight of 292.88 km – a new Swiss record. Astonishing: Müller wasn’t flying a two-liner or an EN D/CC wing – he was flying his EN B MENTOR 5.

For many years Michi Müller has been one of Switzerland’s most successful cross-country pilots. He is not linked to a particular glider brand, instead he chooses whichever wing he likes best.

For his record flight, Müller launched from the Motta Naluns in the Engadin, set his first turnpoint at St Moritz, his second turnpoint near Mattstock near Amden and then flew east to the Kauner Valley in Austria – before he “ran out of air” at Ramosch just before the goal. Müller flew his MENTOR 5 (XS) for 11:01 hours with an average speed of 26.95 km/h.

On this record-breaking day, more than 2000 flights were submitted to the XContest – with 21 of the top 100 flights completed on EN B wings. Twelve of these flights were done on NOVA MENTORs (now in their fifth generation), proving once more that this wing continues to set the benchmark for cross- country flying.

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Muller Machts
